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Welcome to Faith Church

With Jesus You Are Destined to Win! 

About Us

Faith Church is a nondenominational Christian Church. For more about our beliefs and values check out our FAQs.


Meet Our Pastors

Our lead pastors are Frank & Lisa Santora. They have served Faith Church for more than 25 years. 


Mpact Youth

We believe that if anyone is going to change the world, it’s the next generation. Mpact is our student ministry for students 5th-12th grade. It's a place where we can connect with God, with other people, and have fun.



Faith Worship is the sound of Faith Church.

Our worship team leads us into the presence of God during every weekend service at all of our locations.

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Our Team

Our team works together to execute the vision and direction of


Our Locations

Faith Church has five locations in three different languages. See if there's a location near you! 


Faith Kids

We’ve created a place for kids to learn about Jesus on their level. Every Sunday at all of locations, all children (babies through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.



Who are the people who care most about you? Who you can laugh or cry the hardest with? That’s what community is all about—doing life with the support of people around you. We all have a next step to take, so why not take them together?


Get Involved

Together when we all use our gifts and abilities we are able to reach people who need to hear about Jesus.

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